Tuesday, April 5, 2016

We did it!

Well, I hit my pledges goal this past weekend! Yay! Thanks so much you guys!

Now I am extra pumped to get my runs in (I have three monthly mileage pledges) and to rock the Destin half (I have three race pledges as well)... which is in less than 2 weeks!!

I've learned from my last half, so the things I'll be sure not to do this time around are:

- Going out too fast.  I pushed to the point of getting a side stitch before the first half mile... looking back, I don't think I ever recovered from that.

- Pushing too much too soon. This goes hand in hand with the first point; once I felt "warmed up" I pushed way too much, especially since I was still over a mile away from the halfway point.

-Inadequate sun protection. I had a hat... and that was it. No sunscreen so my skin got pretty toasted.

-Not hydrating well/electrolyte balancing. I took in zero electrolytes and I suffered for it later that day when I started to feel really ill.

- Not timing gels well. I waited way too long to eat my first gel, which led to me eating a lot of gels really close together, which didn't feel great.

-Not peeing before hand. Pretty self explanatory.

I'm hoping to do better on all of these in Destin. Will that lead to a noticeably better performance? Who knows, but I certainly hope so!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Another week done

I had planned to run a 9 mile long run today, but I got started later than I anticipated, I was unfamiliar with the route I was running so I kept stopping/turning around, so I ended up cutting it short and only doing 6 miles, mostly because I was getting too hot.

I still managed 21 miles for this week, which I am definitely proud of.

Speaking of mileage... I'm still looking for THREE more people to sign up to pledge a donation based either on my upcoming race (fill out this form HERE) or based on my weekly or monthly mileage (fill out this form HERE)

If I can get those three more people (I'm going for FIVE in total and I already have two), then I will make a donation myself worth 50% of the total amount of those five people's donations!

So if you haven't already, please sign up! And feel free to check the "about" page above for info on what kind of thank you perks you can earn as a supporter!