Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Boom. Seven miles done.

I wanted to do a longer run today, but didn't have time to do a true "long run," so I set out to run about 4 miles on the roads, then hit the treadmill at our apartment complex fitness center for another couple miles, shooting for at least 6 miles.

I ended up feeling pretty good on the roads and there was still an overall good amount of cloud cover, so I managed to do a full 7 entirely on the roads.

It's amazing how much cooler weather helps!

During the half marathon a couple weeks ago, the weather went from almost certain storms during the race (to the point that it was nearly cancelled), to unrelenting sunshine the entire time; it was in the 70s less than an hour into the race!

Here's hoping my next half (on April 17) is much cooler!

 Speaking of, soon I will have the option for people to sign up to pledge a donation based on my  performance in my next half marathon!

In the mean time, be sure to click the donate button at the top to find the links where you can either make a one time donation, or pledge a donation based on my weekly or monthly mileage! :)

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more that cooler weather makes all the difference in the world! Best of luck to you with your April half! :)
